About Us

Our Vision

Fair, Strong, Connected Communities

Our Mission

CCVS works with individuals, groups and organisations in communities to help them build places where people want to live, work, and visit. We:

Our Core Values

Living Wage Employer

We are proud to be an accredited Living Wage Employer. 

The Real Living Wage (set annually by the Living Wage Foundation) is the only UK wage rate that is voluntarily paid by almost 9,000 UK businesses who believe their staff deserve a wage which meets everyday needs - like the weekly shop, or a surprise trip to the dentist.

We are also able to support Cambridge based small charities to become accredited and also contribute to the first years accreditation costs. We are able to offer this thanks to support from Cambridge City Council.

Contact Sally by email sally@cambridgecvs.org.uk

Climate Change Charter

CCVS have signed the Cambridge Climate Change Charter and are committed to reducing our carbon footprint. We will be publishing our action plan soon as well as looking at calculating our carbon footprint. In the short term we are replacing bulbs in the office with low voltage equivilents, we are looking to significantly reduce our paper usage and we are encouraging staff not to drive unless it is essential. 

We believe that everyone and every organisation can make little steps that together will make a bigger change. if you want to find out what you group could do check out the Cambridge Carbon Footprint page or contact us on enquiries@cambridgecvs.org.uk



CCVS takes the quality of its services very seriously. We endeavour to ensure that we provide a service that meets the needs of the user. We understand that occasionally disagrements may occur and we like to deal with these informally if possible. However if there is the need users can make a formal approach using the complaints procedure.

The complaints procedure is available here.

All complaints should be addressed to the chief executive in the first instance.

Privacy statement

CCVS makes every effort to ensure your data is stored safely and in line with the latest legislation and guidlines. You can read our privacy statement here.